
40+ Acre Parcel 6, Navajo County, AZ, in Big Valley Estates: Cash Auction

$ 4279.43

Availability: 89 in stock
  • City: Woodruff, AZ
  • Type: Recreational, Acreage, Residential, Investment, Agricultural
  • Any time to build on parcel?: No
  • Zoning: Single Family
  • Ask Seller Question: Message jomcdo4515
  • State/Province: Arizona
  • Closest Point of Interest: Petrified Forest National Park, 21 miles
  • Acreage: 40.42
  • Property Address: 6639 Sean Road
  • Can parcel be sub-divided: Yes, check with county
  • Land Location/State: Arizona
  • Is RV, campsite etc, allowed on parcel?: Yes
  • Liens on Property?: No
  • Zip/Postal Code: 85942
  • County: Navajo
  • Terrain: Flat to rolling hills [see video and images].
  • Taxes current?: Yes, paid for 2022
  • Closest town with facilities: Holbrook, 12 miles
  • Land Use: Residential, Investment, Agricultural
  • Any HOA fee's?: No
  • Seller State of Residence: California


    Read This First !!!! It will answer most of your questions
    Review "Video Information"
    1. Aerial view of the parcel.
    2. General Information about the parcel.
    3. Getting into Big Valley Estates.
    Review "II. Parcel Information"
    Review "III. Purchasing the Parcel"
    Review "IV. Further Information"
    Aerial View of Parcel 6
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    Specific Information Parcel 6
    Video will open in a new window
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    Getting to Big Valley Estates
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    Parcel Information
    Download Big Valley Estates Public Land Report:
    To view and download a copy of the public report from the Az. Dept. of Real Estate:
    Type in: ‘Google Web Search’.
    Type in: 'Arizona department of real estate public database'
    When search results appear, scroll down and click on 'Public Database'
    You will be linked to the Public Database page, When the Public Database page loads, locate the heading 'Development Services'. Under that title, click on 'Search developments and download Public Reports'
    You will be taken to the Search Developments page. In the 'Search Developments' page type in 'DM06-051979, under 'Registration No'
    That will call up the Public Report on Big Valley Estates that you can view or download.
    A copy of this report will also be included you to review in the title and escrow documents sent to the winning bidder.
    Is this Parcel accessible:
    All parcels in Big Valley Estates are accessible by road easements. A four-wheel drive vehicle is recommended.
    40.42 acres
    Association or HOA fees:
    There no association fees or HOA fees on any of Big Valley Estate Parcels
    Legal Description:
    Portion of Section 3&4 T16N R22E: Big Valley Estates:Lot06,Per Plat 25-26 Out of 110-09-0028 For2006 Roll
    6639 Sean Road
    1.5 miles north of Woodruff, AZ. / 11 miles south of Holbrook on AZ 180, Woodruff County Road.
    Property Taxes 2022:
    1.54 (paid)
    5260 feet
    County maintained road, AZ 180 1/10 mile from entrance to parcels.
    Grazing Rights:
    Open pasture until parcel is fenced.
    Solar. Closest conventional power is ½ mile south of parcels 14, 15, or 16.
    Septic System (buyer to install).
    Time Limit to Build:
    Are Lots Divisible:
    Yes, check with county.
    Flat to rolling with beautiful high desert views.
    Mineral Rights:
    County maintained road, AZ 180 1/10 mile from entrance to Big Valley Estate.
    Association Dues:
    Parcel 6 is not a flood risk.
    Title Information:
    All transfers will be through Pioneer Escrow and Title. We encourage those potential buyers read the Arizona Public Report before deciding to buy this parcel. A copy is listed with the state and on our website.
    Water Service or buyer has option to drill.*
    AZ. Dept of Water Resources states ‘Depth to water in the area ranges from 149-271 feet below land surface with potential well yields ranging from 500-2500 gpm. There exists one well on Lot 14. Information on the quality of the groundwater from this well is limited. Therefore, the availability of groundwater, well yields, and water quality on the property can only be determined by drilling on the individual parcels.’ Note: The well on lot 14 was used for cattle. It was found to have a sodium content unfit for human consumption.
    * AZ. Dept of Water Resources states ‘Depth to water in the area ranges from 149-271 feet below land surface with potential well yields ranging from 500-2500 gpm. There exists one well on Lot 14. Information on the quality of the groundwater from this well is limited. Therefore, the availability of groundwater, well yields, and water quality on the property can only be determined by drilling on the individual parcels.’ Note: The well on lot 14 was used for cattle. It was found to have a sodium content unfit for human consumption.
    General Uses: Residential, Agricultural, Investment
    Zoning – Single Family:
    Approved Uses of Single Family
    1. Single-family dwellings - including conventional site-built homes, Manufactured Homes (including rehabilitated Mobile Homes) and Factory-Built Buildings as defined and regulated in Article 21 hereof. 2. Churches. 3. Farms including customary agricultural uses. 4. Public schools, elementary and secondary. 5. Public and private forests and wildlife reservations. 6. Utility Facilities - Facilities for the delivery to the public, by a regulated public utility or a public entity, of water, gas, electricity, steam, hot or cold air, telecommunications and cable television service, or sewer service. This shall include the pipes, lines and cables required for the actual delivery of the foregoing, as well as facilities and appurtenances directly related thereto (such as pumping or booster stations along pipelines and substations along transmission lines). It shall not include generating plants, treatment plants, storage yards, business offices or other major utility facilities which may be allowed with a special use permit pursuant to article 20. It likewise shall not include television, radio or telecommunications towers and stations, which shall require a special use permit pursuant to Article 20. 7. Publicly owned or operated properties including but not limited to fire stations, police stations and post offices. 8. Golf courses including club houses located thereon, including miniature courses or practice driving tees operated for commercial purposes. 9. Libraries, museums, parks, playgrounds, tennis courts and community buildings. 10. Hospitals and institutions of an educational, religious, charitable or philanthropic nature may be allowed with a use permit issued by the Board of Adjustment, provided the buildings for such uses are set back from all lot lines a distance of not less than two (2) feet for each foot of building height. Homes for the aged, nursing homes and convalescent homes may be allowed with a Use Permit issued by the Board of Adjustment. 11. Home occupations. 12. Except as otherwise specified, all agricultural uses and the production, harvesting, curing, processing, packaging, shipping and roadside stands offering for sale only farm products produced on the premises. 13. Commercial feed lots, dairy farms, the raising of fur-bearing animals or the raising or feeding of animals that could create noise, odors, dust, or pose a problem of health or sanitation to neighboring properties if within six hundred (600) feet of a property line, will be subject to securing a Use Permit, and periodic inspection to assure compliance. 14. Public riding stables and boarding stables provided the site contains at least ten (10) acres and the building housing the animals is set back from all property lines a distance of not less than one hundred (100) feet. 15. The keeping of horses, providing that: a. Corrals, stables, watering areas and feeding stations are set back from all property lines a distance of not less than that required for building setbacks. b. Corrals contain at least six hundred square feet (600 sq. ft.) per horse. 16. Plant nurseries and greenhouses for the propagation, cultivation and wholesale distribution of plants produced on the premises. Open storage shall be limited to plants or packaged fertilizer, and the buildings and structures used in connection therewith are set back from all lot lines a distance of not less than that required for residential building setbacks. 17. Fences or free-standing walls not to exceed a height of six feet (6'). 18. Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to above uses, including: a. Barns, sheds and stable buildings. b. Guest houses and quarters for servants and caretakers employed on the premises, providing that the lot be a minimum of ten thousand square feet 3-3 (10,000 sq. ft.) in area, that all buildings meet all building setbacks, that the guest house or servants and caretakers’ quarters be no greater than seventy-percent (70%) of the square footage of the principal dwelling and subject to securing a use permit. If kitchen facilities are provided therein, any use permit approved for such quarters shall continue if, upon inspection, satisfactory evidence indicates that such buildings are continuing their function as bona fide guest houses, servant's or caretakers’ quarters and not as a rental unit. 19. Feed Stores on not less than two and one half (2.5) acres of land. 20. Group Homes for the Disabled subject to Section 2518. 21. A use similar to any of the foregoing permitted uses may be allowed upon a written determination by the Director of Development Services that the proposed use is similar in nature and impact to the permitted use and is consistent with the overall purposes of the zoning district. The Director’s determination may be appealed to the Board of Adjustment pursuant to Article 28 hereof. The burden shall be upon the property owner to prove by clear and convincing evidence that the proposed use is similar to the permitted use.
    III. Purchasing this Parcel
    This is a No Reserve, Cash Auction
    - Bidding
    This auction is limited to experienced eBayers who are serious and intend to buy the parcel.
    Do not bid more than what you think the parcel is worth or are willing to pay for this parcel.
    - What is TOTAL I will pay?
    Total is Auction Winning Bid +5 document fees for Title Search, recording sale with the county and issuing a general warranty deed to you showing you are the new owners of the property, free and clear. The
    total amount
    is due when you win the bid.
    What happens after I win the auction (what is the step-by-step process)?
    After the sale is completed
    : You will be contacted via email by Pioneer Title Agency with the title, and escrow documents
    (you will be contacted to forward your email to Pioneer). After reviewing and electronically signing documents, you will need to send them payment within 7 days. Escrow and transfer will start after payment is received. The title search and insurance are included with the sale. The recording fee is also included.
    All payments, escrow, title search and recording will be handled by
    Pioneer Title Agency,
    300 W 3rd Street,
    Winslow, AZ 86047
    Pioneer Title Agency
    The specific closing costs are:
    Sale price + buyers’ part of escrow, title search and recording fees which amount to 5.00.
    Taxes for 2022 are current.
    There will be no prorations.
    What type of payment can I use?
    The total amount can be paid for with a Money Order, Bank Transfer/Wire, Cashier’s Check or Personal Check. Note that a personal check will slow the sale process down
    (Expect 7–10-day minimum for the check to clear), made out to Pioneer Title Company. Pioneer Tile Company will be in charge of all funds. The escrow process will not commence until the payment clears. For a fast escrow to proceed, personal checks are not recommended.
    At the close of escrow you will receive your documents and warranty deed from Pioneer Title Agency.
    IV. Further Information
    For further information below, message us via eBay email at:
    - History of Area
    - Forgotten History of Area
    - Woodruff Video, about 2 miles from the Big Valley.
    - Places of Interest
    Buyer is responsible for performing their own due diligence in researching the property for sale. All bidders are required to verify all information, contained herein or not, for themselves and satisfy themselves as to its accuracy. Seller is not responsible for any misinformation in this ad.  All information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.  Parcel is sold “AS IS”.
    Thank You and Happy Bidding!