
Historic Evening Star Lode & Placer Gold Mining Claims Near Lovelock NV

$ 8184

Availability: 28 in stock
  • Acreage: 91.32
  • Seller State of Residence: Nevada
  • State/Province: Nevada
  • City: Lovelock
  • Type: Mining Claim
  • Property Address: Evening Star Mine
  • Zoning: Unpatented Mining Claim
  • Zip/Postal Code: 89419
  • Condition: Welcome to the Evening Star Mine the most legit mine you will ever find on ebay. The Evening Star Mine contains two lode claim totaling 41.32 acres of outstanding gold bearing potential. That's not all we are also offering 50 acres of virgin placer ground with a nice large year round spring to fuel your future operation. An assay report has been provided within the listing. Claims are located on BLM ground for easy quick permitting. Best claim package you'll find on ebay ever bar none. Thanks folks for looking at our listings!


    Evening Star Placer & Lode Mines
    Item Description
    Welcome To The Historic Evening Star Mine
    Please Scroll To The Right Margin And Click On The Thumbnails For More Larger Pictures, Thanks!!
    Old Mill Remnants
    Access Road Going Up Trinity Canyon
    Acceptable forms of payment are all major credit cards, money orders, cashier's checks, personal checks, cash, zelle, cash app, wire transfer and direct bank deposit.
    Please take note this is a federal mining claim not private property. Mining claims are mineral rights to Government Land and the right to extract precious metals. Mining claims are considered real property and can be bought, sold, leased, willed, transferred, etc. You may stay on your claim in a travel trailer or motor home while mining your claim. Fixed or attached buildings are not usually permitted unless a bond is posted for the structures on federal mining claims.
    General Claim Description
    Eureka Mining Inc.,
    is extremely happy to offer our customers a mining claim block capable of making the new owner very rich. If you are serious about mining a set of claims that has unwritten potential look no further. Up for sale is the Evening Star placers and lode claims in a very secluded spot in mining friendly Pershing County, NV. This rare offering contains 5o acres of virgin placer ground and 2 lode claims totaling 41.32 acres, with plenty of water to commence larger operations for both the placers and the hard rock deposits.
    The Evening Star Mine is the oldest mine in the Trinity District and the historic ore grades are an astounding to 0 dollars per ton in the 1800's at .93. That is an incredible 1.58 ounces to 37 ounces per ton, very high grade.
    On the claims are several incline shafts and adits. Many of the adits and inclines are partially blocked by small amounts of material at the portal, but would be easy to open back up. There are decent roads already in place to most of the portals. Also on site is remnants (foundations) from the old mills and numerous pieces of steel and relics. On the placer claims in the canyon a few hundred feet below the hard rock workings is lush willows, grass and springs. Year round water is easily obtainable on the claims. The placer claims cover almost a half mile of Trinity Canyon and from what I have read and seen look completely virgin. A primitive 2 wheel drive access road leads to the claims and is very secluded but yet only 11-12 miles from Lovelock. In Lovelock you can obtain most of your essential supplies while mining. Lovelock is the county seat of Pershing County. For other supplies Reno is only an hour and a half from Lovelock.
    f your serious about permitting an operation either placer or hard rock I know a great guy that can permit the mine and obtain water rights. He works cheaper then anyone and is great!
    History At The Evening Star Mine
    The Trinity District is in Trinity Canyon the east flank of the Trinity Range 11 miles north of Lovelock. It was discovered in 1859 by George Lovelock. The principal property is the Evening Star Mine, which produced considerable rich ore in the early days. Some ore was hauled to Sacramento by ox team and shipped to Swansen, Wales for treatment. A small mill built at the Evening Star mine in the early days operated for several years. In fact this was the site of the first mill in NV. Lessees worked the property intermittently from 1914 to 1916 and shipped some ore. The mine was re-opened by Mendham and associates, and several lots of ore totaling 13 tons and averaging per ton net (2.6 ozs per ton) were shipped to the smelters in 1935. In the fall of 1935 a small Gibson mill was installed, and about 25 tons of ore were treated. The ore milled is reported to have averaged per ton (1.44 ozs per ton). Mining was done by hand methods.
    The Evening Star property is developed by several adits and total workings are 1500 feet. Ore occurs in two parallel veins in granite. Values are in gold and silver. The gold is free and associated with iron oxide. A little copper and zinc are present in some of the ore. The gangue is hard, laminated quartz. The width of the veins ranges from several inches to 3 1/2 feet, averaging about 1 1/2 feet. The veins dip 55 degrees. The mill equipment consists of a 5-ton Gibson mill, a 1 foot by 5 foot silver plated amalgamating plate, and a small concentrate table. The capacity of the plant is reported to only be 1/2 ton of ore in 8 hours, Power for milling and pumping is furnished by a 7HP Satley gasoline engine. Water for milling is pumped from a well 24 feet deep sunk in the canyon a short distance above the mill. Amalgamation and table concentration is reported to recover only about 60% of the gold and silver.
    Trinity District was discovered in 1859. Early production was about 30,000 tons of ore with Ag, Au, Pb, Sb and Cu valued at to 0 per ton. Production from two mines the Evening Star & Morning Star grossed about ,000,000.
    All information obtained in this listing was obtained from the Nevada Bureau of Mines.
    Year Round Stream That Originates From A Spring On The Claims
    Main Large Spring On The Claims
    We pulverized approx. 500lbs of grab samples taken from the dumps in front of the Evening Star Mine adits and float from the hillsides. Then we concentrated the pulverized material with water through a concentration system. Concentrates were taken to ALS Labs in Reno for Assay. Below is the exact assay report from the concentrates.
    Claim Specifics
    Evening Star Placers
    Section 3, Township 28N, Range 31E, Mount Diablo Meridian
    50 Acres
    Evening Star Lode Mines
    Sections 3 & 34 Townships 28N & 29N, Range 31E, Mount Diablo Meridian
    Evening Star Placer & Lode Mines Claim Map
    Driving Directions
    In Lovelock take state highway 398 north for 2 1/2 miles. Go straight on North Meridian Road. Continue on North Meridian Road and it will turn into a dirt road. From the start of the dirt road continue north for approx. 5.75 miles until reaching the claims. Feel free to sample as needed. If your having problems finding the claims call 530-816-0451 or email with any questions.
    Thanks !!
    Good Luck & Enjoy !!
    Payment Details
    Payment Options:
    This listing is a "Buy It Now" or "Buy It Now listing".
    Eureka Mining Inc.,
    acceptable forms of payment include visa, mastercard, American express & discover card in house or over the phone. Additionally accepted forms of payment are personal checks, money orders, cashier's checks, zelle, cash app, direct bank deposits and wire transfers
    Shipping Details
    Eureka Mining Inc.,
    requires no shipping costs. All mining claim transfer paperwork and postage is free, it is our pleasure
    Additional Information
    About Eureka Mining Inc.
    Our Placer Mine Located Near Winnemucca, NV
    Eureka Mining Inc.,
    is a full service mining company based near Winnemucca, NV. We specialize in placer & lode mining and selling quality mining properties, both patented and unpatented. We can fabricate and install mining equipment for commercial operators along with JV ventures and mine consulting. Eureka Mining also has years of experience in compliance and permitting and can help our clients achieve there mining goals. We have over 25 years of combined experience in California & Nevada's colorful placer and lode Mining Industry. Feel free to contact us if help is needed setting up your mine.
    Eureka Mining Inc
    so remember from dredges to trommels we can help you obtain the right equipment for your property needs, at affordable prices. So feel free to call us today at 530-816-0451 with any questions about our claims, equipment and mining services we offer.
    Thanks For Your Time !!
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